Advertising policy

Like most people, I need to pay my bills, and I accept advertising on both my blogs and, but please be aware of the following before requesting a spot.

  • I will accept text, banner and sidebar adverts, however I reserve the right to accept or reject adverts at my own discretion.
  • Adverts will be clearly marked as such, and not hidden into my content. This is to ensure that I am honest to myself, my content and to my readers.
  • I am willing to review your product/service, but I will say what I think.
  • Payment need to be made directly to my Paypal account within a week of placement.
To be clear, if you have a product that you would like to advertise to my readers, I would love to place an advert. But I will not post articles written by you with the sole purpose of hiding links to your websites.
Please contact me if you would like a spot, to discuss rates or to ask any questions.