A few days ago, I listened to David Grier giving a speech. David does crazy runs that make my marathons look like a walk around the block. He ran across the entire Great Wall of China (4200km), across Cuba (1800km), and a bunch of other crazy runs.
He is one of the authors of the Real Meal Revolution!
He is a wonderful man with some great advise. Here are some lessons that I learned from him:
- You need the self-belief to dig deep
- No man achieves anything on his own
- I’m the one that has to change
- The sun will set in the evening, and rise the next morning, regardless of what you do
- Its usually not the big things that get you down – it’s an accumulation of little things
- Nearly everything is not impossible…if you want it enough dig deep enough
- It’s when you say that you can’t that you can
- You learn the most when you are struggling
- Have honesty and appreciation, understanding and acceptance
- Nobody is going to run your life for you
- If you can find reason for why you are suffering, you are no longer suffering
- Where do you fit into your dream?
- Nobody will effect change for you
- We need to be the change we want to see
- We cannot change on our own
- The ability to change on the way is key to finish a journey.
And finally for race fuel, he recommended Cabanossi sausages from Pick n Pay,, and squashed pork belly (put the fat runoff in a ziplock to suck on, and slice the port to eat)!
Hope that helps – it certainly gives me some perspective!
(photo from David’s website)